Governor Ducey Releases Executive Budget

Doug Ducey released his last Executive Budget as Governor on Friday. Much of the document tries to take credit for President Biden and congressional Democrats delivering for Arizona.

Our state is ranked 49th in per-pupil spending for elementary and secondary public education, and twenty percent of our public school classrooms do not have a qualified teacher. However, the Joint Legislative Budget Committee reports that Arizona has a $3.1 Billion surplus between ongoing and one-time revenues. Still, the Governor has no plan to use those dollars to solve our school funding crisis.

Our state is benefiting from the Biden-Harris administration delivering on COVID-19 relief and infrastructure, which enables Governor Ducey to propose ideas like enhancing State Parks and the AZ Back on Track Summer Camp. 

Governor Ducey’s budget is a stark example of why we must deliver Democratic majorities in the House and Senate. We do not need more Republican tax cuts for the one percent; we need to help working families and small businesses to get out of this pandemic.


U.S. Treasury & Governor Ducey


The Aggregate Expenditure Limit