The Aggregate Expenditure Limit

In 1980, Arizona voters approved a ballot measure that capped public school spending at ten percent above 1979-80 levels and would  adjust each year based on the student population and cost of living – it’s called the Aggregate Expenditure Limit (AEL).

Much of the K-12 education appropriated last summer by the Republican-controlled legislature counts toward the expenditure limit, but the limit also includes non-appropriated federal and other dollars that are $1.2 billion over the 1980 school spending cap.

The Arizona Legislature has until March 1, 2022 to find the votes to pass a concurrent resolution to override the AEL with two-thirds of the membership in both chambers or public school districts will be forced to give back the $1.2 billion that they have already budgeted the last 12 weeks of the school year.

Arizona’s 1980 school spending cap (AEL) is partially why Arizona remains 49th in per-pupil spending and why 20% of our students do not have a permanent, qualified teacher in their classroom – it’s time to invest in our students.


Governor Ducey Releases Executive Budget


State of the State