Throwback Thursday: Arizona Republicans Leave Working Families in the Lurch

As Labor Day approaches, we’re looking back at Republican attempts to lower the pay of working Arizonans 

ARIZONA – On Monday, September 2, people will celebrate Labor Day, a holiday celebrating the progress made by generations of workers towards higher pay and stronger workplace protections Democrats in the state legislature have stood with working families and individuals in their fight while Republicans have tried to undermine the minimum wage and make Arizonans worse off financially. Some examples include: 


In 2016, Arizona voters approved Prop 206 which increased the minimum wage and set annual cost of living adjustments ensuring minimum wage workers' pay keeps up with inflation. Rather than help working class families, Republican legislators have instead tried to undermine that law.


In 2019, they proposed lowering the minimum wage for college students and those under 22 years old. Among the Republicans that voted for it includes representatives from some of the most competitive districts in the state including now-Senators Shawnna Bolick and T.J. Shope, Jeff Weninger, and Tony Rivero. 


That same year, voters in Flagstaff approved a minimum wage of $15 an hour. In 2023, Republicans introduced a measure that would reduce state revenue sharing for cities with a minimum wage higher than the state’s. Every Senate Republican voted for the bill.  


This year, the Republican majority referred a measure to the ballot that would lower the tipped minimum wage. Once again, every Republican in both chambers voted for this measure. 


“All Arizonans deserve to make a living wage,” said Representative Oscar De Los Santos. “The fact that our Republican-led legislature is continually trying to lower the wages of working Arizonans is unconscionable. Alongside my fellow Democrats, I have been proud to oppose these measures and support the financial well-being of working Arizonans. When we flip the legislature, legislative Democrats will always work to support and uplift working Arizonans.”


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