Press Release: Down-Ballot Republicans Flock to Extremist Turning Point USA for Help Winning Elections

As Turning Point hosts Republican Vice Presidential Nominee J.D. Vance, Arizona Republicans can’t hide their ties to extremist organization that opposes abortion, books

Phoenix, Ariz. – Today, Turning Point USA hosted Republican Vice President nominee J.D. Vance for a rally in Mesa, AZ. Representatives from Turning Point oppose abortion access, have had hosts who oppose birth control, and claim books talking about history or political leaders are “indoctrinating” kids. Despite these extreme views, Arizona legislative Republicans continue to attend events hosted by the organization. 



Last year, two Turning Point staff members were accused of harassing and pushing a Professor at ASU. A few months ago they “admitted guilt” in the incident. The organization operates a watchlist for professors. The organization’s leader has called for violence against transgender Americans and attacked Dr. King and civil rights. They employ one of Arizona’s 11 “fake electors” and employed a Representative accused of signature fraud.


Legislative districts 2 and 4 are expected to be among the most competitive in Arizona and could decide if Democrats flip the legislature for the first time in nearly 60 years. Their opponents—Representative Judy Schwiebert who is running for the Senate in LD2, Stephanie Simacek who is running for the House in LD2, Senator Christine Marsh, Karen Gresham and Kelli Butler from LD4—are strong supporters of reproductive healthcare and oppose book bans. 


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