Week Twenty-one: Fifty-Fifth Legislature — Second Regular Session #EducatorsBudget VS #TruththeVote

The GOP-controlled legislature came back from the holidays on Tuesday, not to address our $5 billion budget surplus, but to continue their misinformation campaign by holding a sham hearing on the validity of the 2020 General Election in the senate and making a motion to decertify the 2020 electors in the house – whatever that means.

Meanwhile, educators this week held events at the Capitol and release a plan, #educatorsbudget, that would reinvest just a fifth of our budget surplus into public education and fully-funding all-day kindergarten.

During the #educatorsbudget event legislators were asked if they support their budget, and all three of our educators who are candidates in battleground districts pledged their support because, “our students deserve fully funded schools and smaller class sizes with a qualified teacher who’s paid a competitive wage,” said Sen. Christine Marsh.

The legislature then adjourned for much of the week because the radical right can’t decide which of their donors will receive the largest tax breaks, while everyday Arizonans face higher gas prices and an out-of-control housing market.


Week Twenty-two: Fifty-Fifth Legislature — Second Regular Session (week 22)


Release: ADLCC Announces New Board Chair Assistant House Leader Jennifer Longdon and welcomes Executive Director Elsa O’Callaghan