Woeful Wendy Rogers
State Senator and “Oath Keeper” Wendy Rogers has renewed her grift to decertify the 2020 presidential election. Rogers, along with other right-wing extremists and insurrectionists like Rep. Mark Finchem, continues to spread misinformation to Arizonans.
This week, Donald Trump puppet, Sen. Rogers pushed an online petition for legislators from across the country to begin audits of the 2020 election results across all fifty states after the Trump campaign sent out a fundraising email claiming the Cyber Ninjas can discredit all of the disinformation put out by the Republican Maricopa County Board of Supervisors.
Arizonans are sick and tired of Republican extremism. While the AZGOP is listening to far-right radicals like Wendy Rogers, Democrats are fighting for COVID-19 relief for small businesses and Arizona families.