Senate President Who Interfered in Free and Fair Election Announces Retirement

Senate President Karen Fann (R-Prescott), announced her retirement from the Arizona Legislature yesterday afternoon. Sen. Fann will leave behind a legacy of empowering Trump loyalists, the conspiracy theorists who wanted a sham audit of Maricopa County ballots, and the passage of the largest tax cut for the wealthiest 1% in Arizona history.

We need to change the narrative next November. Will you chip in $10 to flip the Arizona Senate to ensure the next Senate President is a Democrat?

Now that Fann is gone, extremist legislators like Wendy Rogers, who want to decertify every American election, have a shot to hold the Senate President gavel.

We have to stop Republican extremism. We’re asking you to chip in $10 to support the ADLCC, so we don’t get another Senate President who will prioritize far-right conspiracy theorists over Arizona families.


It’s Infrastructure Week


Woeful Wendy Rogers