Release: MAGA Republicans Still Attack the Freedom to Vote in the Face of Voting Rights Act Anniversary

Nation looks to celebrate anniversary of landmark civil rights legislation, while AZ legislators attack fundamental freedom to vote

PHOENIX, AZ – The 57th Anniversary of the Voting Rights Act, is a stark reminder of how far Arizona Republicans have gone to attack the freedom to vote. This landmark legislation protected the rights of African Americans to vote and it outlawed racially discriminatory practices like literacy tests at the polls, yet decades later, voting rights here in Arizona are still under siege. Under Republican leadership, Arizona leads the nation in voter suppression legislation, with more than 100 bills introduced to put up barriers to voting in the 2021-2022 session alone. During this week’s primary election, a slate of Republican legislative nominees with a history of election denialism and attempts to restrict access to the ballot box won their races.

“It has been decades since our freedom to vote has faced such blatant threats. Republicans know exactly what they are doing by instilling fear in voters that there is something inherently wrong with the way our government has been conducting elections for generations,” said Senator Christine Marsh.  “Voters in Arizona know better – and they know that accessible, fair, and secure elections mean a stronger and healthier democracy for all. Democrats will continue to fight for the freedom to vote.”

More on the GOP’s extreme position on stripping away the freedom to vote:

  • Rep. Jake Hoffman’s HB2492, signed by Governor Ducey, aims to purge thousands off the voter rolls if they cannot provide the correct proof of citizenship. The Justice Department is suing on the basis of the Civil Rights Act and the National Voter Registration Act, over this blatant attempt to restrict voter access.

  • Sen. J.D. Mesnard sponsored SCR1012, a referendum to institute additional voter ID laws, which disenfranchises communities of color in Arizona. 

As part of a national trend to undermine confidence in our election systems, these bills aim to cut to the heart of the Voting Rights Act, and strategically dismantle the freedom to vote.



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