Release: Extremist Republican State Senate nominee Gary Garcia Snyder touts support from election denier, Kari Lake while on the campaign trail

Snyder sides with the extremist wing of the Republican party is out of step with voters in LD23

PHOENIX, AZ – Extremist Republican State Senate nominee for Legislative District 23, Gary Garcia Snyder, has aligned himself with far right-wing groupsand has vilified migrants at the border. Garcia Snyder has also touted support from election denier Kari Lake while on the campaign trail. Snyder is in full support of Donald Trump’s extremist, anti-immigration policies, endorsing him for President in 2024.

Snyder has a troubling history of waging disinformation campaigns such as the2000 Mules documentary, the group that Republican Attorney General Mark Brnovich recently referred to the FBI, for not having enough evidence of fraud and potential tax fraud.

Snyder’s views are out of touch with voters in Legislative District 23 and across Arizona, including his views on abortion. Synder supports bans on abortions, including in cases of rape and incest.

“The residents of LD23 deserve a real leader that will work across the aisle at the Capitol to deliver on the issues that affect this rural community such as infrastructure, healthcare, education, and jobs. Gary Garcia Snyder has shown time and again that he is only concerned with undermining our democracy by supporting disinformation and extreme issues that suppress the vote and do not improve the lives of people in this district,” said Xanthe Bullard, Yuma County Democratic Party Chair.



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