PRESS RELEASE: Democrats Mark National Gun Violence Awareness Day, Where do Republicans Stand on Common Sense Gun Safety Measures?
Phoenix - Today is National Gun Violence Awareness Day. Every day, an estimated 120 lives are lost and another 200 individuals are injured from gun violence. Arizona is in the top 20 for gun deaths per capita and is currently ranked 42nd for the weakest gun laws in the nation.
Democrats in the legislature have introduced common sense gun safety bills designed to reduce gun violence including Christian’s Law which would mandate safe gun storage. They introduced legislation to enact universal background checks, which polling shows is supported by a majority of Arizonans. However, the current legislative majority has refused to give any of these bills a hearing in committee.
Instead, Republicans have advanced legislation to weaken Arizona’s gun laws, leaving Arizonans vulnerable.
Then-Representative Shawnna Bolick co-sponsored legislation allowing firearms on college campuses.
Then-Representative Shawnna Bolick co-sponsored legislation requiring NRA-affiliated gun safety classes in schools. Then-Representative Jeff Weninger and current Representatives Justin Wilmeth, and Kevin Payne voted for it.
Then-Representative Jeff Weninger and current Representatives Justin Wilmeth and Kevin Payne co-sponsored legislation prohibiting cities from passing gun safety measures.
Former Representative Tony Rivero co-sponsored legislation creating an “Uniform Firearms Transfer Compact.” The legislation would take away the ability of Arizona to pass any gun safety legislation.
In speaking against universal background checks, then-Representative Anthony Kern said “If I want to sell … any of my personal property, including weapons, I should be able to do that.”
“Legislative Democrats are proud to support common-sense gun safety measures to address the epidemic of gun violence facing our state,” said ADLCC Chair Senator Priya Sundareshan. “Republicans meanwhile have prioritized loosening gun laws which will only worsen gun violence in our state and put lives at unnecessary risk. Arizonans deserve to be represented by legislators who will prioritize the safety of our communities. Democrats are committed to flipping the legislature this November and preventing unnecessary violence by being gun safety champions.”