NARAL Pro-Choice Arizona, Rep. Salman, Release Statement on Rep. Matt Gress’ bills to Entrench Personhood into Arizona State Law

PHOENIX, AZ – This week in the Arizona legislature, Rep. Matt Gress is advancing two bills that would further restrict Arizonans’ medical freedom through deception. These bills are an underhanded attempt to advance anti-abortion legislation. The right to choose an abortion is supported by the vast majority of Arizona voters. On the heels of this legislation, NARAL Pro-Choice Arizona and Rep. Athena Salman have released the following statement: 

“These bills from Rep. Gress are a manipulative attempt to codify anti-abortion legislation into law. This harmful legislation would result in confusion in the law and restrictions to reproductive health care access. Arizonans are on the side of medical and reproductive freedom, and we must stop these attacks. If the Arizona GOP wanted to support children and families, they would expand childcare funding, fully fund pre-K, and pass paid family and medical leave,” said Rep. Athena Salman, LD8.


“These bills are nothing more than another effort to ban abortion care by redefining what counts as a person. State Rep. Matt Gress is intentionally disregarding Arizonan values and public opinion, attempting to force yet another attack on our most fundamental freedoms through the legislature rather than focusing on the real issues impacting pregnant people in the state,” said NARAL Pro-Choice America Southwest Regional Director Caroline Mello Roberson. “NARAL Pro-Choice Arizona and our 75,000 members are watching, and will continue to hold anti-choice Arizona lawmakers accountable for pushing their extreme ideological agenda at the expense of our freedom and well-being."



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