Arizona Republicans Push SB1457, an Extreme Anti-Abortion Bill that will Criminalize Women and Doctors

PHOENIX — The following statement can be attributed to Liz Luna, Deputy Executive Director of the ADLCC:

“Today, SB1457, an extreme anti-abortion bill that will punish women seeking abortions and the doctors who provide them, was sent to Governor Doug Ducey’s desk.

If enacted, the bill would insert the government into private, and extremely personal, medical decisions that should only be between families and their doctor. This entire legislative session, Republicans have been playing political games while jeopardizing the lives of thousands of women.

SB1457 is clearly an attempt to overturn Roe v. Wade and deny women the right to make their own abortion decisions. Banning abortions in Arizona will cause tremendous harm to thousands of people who depend on safe healthcare providers and facilities for their care. The Arizona legislature should be focused on supporting working families and children, not telling women what to do with their bodies.

“Extreme Republicans like Paul Boyer went so far as to say that ‘abortion is not health care.’ He is wrong. We are calling on Governor Ducey to veto this extreme bill and keep his hands off Arizonans’ constitutionally protected right to seek an abortion.”



Disastrous Anti-Choice and Anti-Health Care Bill SB1457 Headed to Gov. Doug Ducey’s desk


Republicans Push to Pass SB1485, Voter Suppression Bill that Impacts Thousands of Arizona Voters