Republicans Work to Dismantle Public School Education for Thousands of Arizona Students, Teachers, and Families

PHOENIX — Two years since Arizona voters resoundingly rejected an expansion of school vouchers to all students, Republicans in Arizona’s Legislature are back pushing a set of bills that widely fail to invest in Arizona public schools and lack accountability for funding.

"For years, Republicans have refused to act meaningfully to improve funding for our public schools in Arizona. Today, the Senate voted along straight party lines to pass a voucher expansion bill that would drain millions of dollars from our public schools.

The vote today on SB1452 is a slap in the face to the tens of thousands of teachers who walked out in 2018 and marched on the Capitol. Every yes vote on SB1452 is an insult to the voters who overwhelmingly rejected expanding vouchers in prop 305 and the voters who passed prop 208, directing our state to invest more in public education.

Arizona voters have been fighting for more than a decade for substantial investment in our public schools. Every Republican in the Senate voted for this legislation and should be ashamed. Their votes are disrespectful to the teachers who have been working overtime to support students and families throughout the last year of this pandemic.” says - Liz Luna, Deputy Executive Director of the Arizona Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee



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