Trump Paid Rep. Mark Finchem to Overturn Joe Biden’s Victory in Arizona

PHOENIX — AZ Central reports that former President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign paid approximately $6,037 to a business owned by state Rep. Mark Finchem during the same time he pushed for the Legislature to overturn Joe Biden's victory in Arizona.

"The public deserves to know why state Rep. Mark Finchem accepted money from Trump's campaign, and what Rep. Finchem was doing in Washington, D.C. during the Jan. 6th insurrection. We're calling on House leadership to investigate the more than 40 ethics complaints that have been filed. Republicans continue to demonstrate their commitment to undermining our democracy. Arizonans deserve accountability and transparency of the leaders who say they represent them." says - Liz Luna, Deputy Executive Director of the Arizona Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee



Republicans Work to Dismantle Public School Education for Thousands of Arizona Students, Teachers, and Families


Legislative Republicans spend time attacking voting rights, women; Fail to Support Arizonans through Pandemic