Release: “Sen. Allen Doubles Down On Opposition to Unemployment Benefits as Arizona’s Jobless Rate Skyrockets to 17%”

Arizona Daily Star: “600,000 unemployment claims filed in Arizona during coronavirus pandemic”

AZCentral: “Majority of Arizonans support increase in state unemployment benefits, Morrison Institute-Republic poll finds”

Phoenix — Just over 600,000 Arizonans have filed for unemployment since the COVID-19 pandemic, Arizona’s joblessness rate has skyrocketed to 17%. Yet Sen. Sylvia Allen has opposed increases to Arizonans unemployment benefit since the start of the pandemic. Allen stated on the James T. Harris podcast “Yes sir!” when asked if she felt vindicated for past remarks disparaging out-of-work Arizonans.

Allen returned to The Conservative Circus With James T. Harris, to reaffirm her derogatory opinion: “And part of that is personal responsibility, part of that is we have to create a system where we want to work and create those profits [...] And giving away what we call free money, which is not free [...]” (timestamp: 07:48-08:20)

Arizona has one of the lowest UI benefits in the nation as found by the Grand Canyon Institute. Democrats have fought to pass increases in unemployment benefits since the start of the pandemic., Rep. Butler urged the State House to add unemployment amendments, just last week, but Republicans refused to discuss the amendments.

“Allen and her fellow Republicans are busy playing politics rather than working for the hard-working Arizonans who are struggling to keep their heads above water. Increased federal unemployment benefits will run out soon — Allen and the GOP are all too eager to let Arizonan’s sink,” said Murphy Bannerman, ADLCC Communications Director. 



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