Release: “The ADLCC Denounces the Supreme Court’s Partisan Ruling on the Travel Ban”

PHOENIX — The ADLCC issues the following statement regarding the Supreme Court of the United States decision on the Trump Administration’s Travel “Muslim” Ban.“The Trump Administration has set a dangerous anti-immigrant tone that has worked its way down to every level of government. The ruling yesterday by the Supreme Court of the United States does not reflect American values or Arizona values. Arizona is home to thousands of refugees and immigrants that have come to our state seeking safety and shelter from their home countries. This ruling is another blow to an already vulnerable community. Immigrants are our friends, family members, neighbors, and Americans. Our country once proudly stood as a beacon of hope for the tired, poor, and homeless “masses yearning to breathe free...”

Arizona Legislative Democrats still believe in this message and will fight every day to protect these values and institute policies at the state level that reflect the diversity our state. We will continue to knock on doors and speak to voters in our communities who are longing for an end to the chaos and seek progress in our state. Regardless of the President or the Supreme Court, immigrants are, and will continue to be, an invaluable part of the fabric of our state.” - Charlie Fisher, Executive Director of the ADLCC



Release: Arizona Democrats Honor our Veterans, Celebrate Fourth of July


Release: “ADLCC Board Chair, Rep. Andrade Condemns SCOTUS ruling in Janus vs. AFSCME”