Release: “ADLCC Board Chair, Rep. Andrade Condemns SCOTUS ruling in Janus vs. AFSCME”

PHOENIX — Today’s ruling in the Janus vs. AFSCME Supreme court case is another step in the GOP’s calculated plan to undercut the essential role labor unions have played in protecting workers rights for over a century in the United States and serves to disenfranchise hard-working Americans.

ADLCC Board Chair and LD29 State Representative Richard Andrade released the following statement regarding the SCOTUS ruling on Janus vs. American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees.

“Today I stand in outrage with my AFSCME union brothers and sisters over the SCOTUS ruling to overturn the ability for Unions to collect fair share dues. Unions fight tirelessly for fair wages, safe working conditions, protections for men and women in the workplace, and strong benefits packages. The dues collected are a vital aspect of that work, without it the labor laws we all benefit from today would not exist. Unions are the backbone of our country, and I will continue to fight against these systematic attempts to undercut unions and protect workers’ rights in Arizona.” - Rep. Richard Andrade, ADLCC Board Chair and SMART Union member

While Arizona currently stands as a “Right to Work” state, local unions have fought to protect all workers in the collective bargaining process which has lead to improved working conditions, higher minimum wages, and “equal pay for equal work” for women in unions. Arizona Legislative Democrats will continue to push legislation at the state level that strengthens unions and protects workers rights.



Release: “The ADLCC Denounces the Supreme Court’s Partisan Ruling on the Travel Ban”


Rep. Stringer's Comments are more than Candor, should Resign