Release: Arizona Democrats Denounce Rep. Stringer, Call for Resignation

PHOENIX — The Arizona Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee and The Arizona Democratic Party releases the following joint statement in response to Rep. David Stringer of Legislative District 1 comments that “there aren't enough white kids to go around” in Arizona public schools, that “immigration represents an existential threat” to the United States and is “is politically destabilizing.”

Rep. Stringer’s comments, shared on social media by Democratic candidate for Superintendent of Public Instruction David Schapira, are emblematic of a political party that shuns immigrants and communities of color while giving shelter to xenophobia and racism. The “60% of children in Arizona schools today [who] are minorities” deserve equal treatment and access to quality education, period.

“Racism has no place in Arizona. Students regardless of race or ethnicity deserve to feel safe in our schools and treated with care and respect by their peers, teachers, and elected representatives.” - Herschel Fink, Executive Director of the Arizona Democratic Party

Fink added, “A simple apology does not go far enough, all members of the community should call for his immediate resignation.”

Stringer’s comments seek to stoke racial division in Arizona. Our elected leaders must work to bring communities together, not tear them apart. Unfortunately, this is not the first time Rep. Stringer has made offensive remarks. Last year, Stringer called teaching an “easy part-time job...doesn’t require a specific skill.” Xenophobia and racism is not a characteristic of a true leader and does not reflect the values of Arizonans. The Arizona Democratic Party and the Arizona Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee are calling for the immediate resignation of Rep. Stringer. His views do not represent the values of Arizonans, and we will not tolerate them in our state.



Rep. Stringer's Comments are more than Candor, should Resign


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