Week Twenty: Fifty-Fifth Legislature — Second Regular Session #WellRegulated

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The radical right will never protect our families as they have dismissed shootings for decades and the tragic loss of life means nothing to them. We’re past saying that we hope the families can find healing because children do not deserve to be most likely to die as the result of gun violence.

This session several bills came to the floor that were related to firearms. As you would expect, MAGA-extremists and NRA-endorsed members introduced bills making it easier to acquire firearms. In contrast, Democrats introduced potentially life-saving bills that were not even given a public hearing, or vote in committee. 

Not One Gun Violence Prevention Bill Received a Hearing

SB1538 – Sen. Lela Alston sponsored a bill that would define “unlawful securing of a firearm,” which would allow courts to hold adults responsible in the case that a minor obtained access to their firearm due to their negligence. 

SB1546 – Sen. Martin Quezada sponsored a bill that would require all gun sales to go through licensed firearms dealers. 

SB1547 – Sen. Martin Quezada sponsored a bill that would prohibit gun stores from delivering firearms before the expiration of the mandatory waiting period (three days) and classify the violation as a felony. 

SB1662 – Sen. Sally Ann Gonzales sponsored a bill that would prohibit respondents with a severe threat order of protection from owning or purchasing a firearm until their court hearing. This could have protected survivors of domestic violence, but never made it to the senate floor for a third reading.

HB2304 – Rep. Andrea Dalessandro sponsored a bill that adds bump stocks to the prohibited weapons list.

HB2683 – Rep. Daniel Hernandez sponsored a bill that requires each public school building to be equipped with at least one panic alarm for use in a school security emergency and cites the act as "Alyssa's Law".

HB2361 – Rep. Jennifer Longdon sponsored a bill that makes it a class 6 felony to circumvent the three day mandatory waiting period to purchase a firearm.

HB2362 – Rep. Jennifer Longdon sponsored a bill that requires firearms dealers to take reasonable measures to prevent the transfer of firearms to straw purchases and firearms traffickers. 

HB2363 – Rep. Jennifer Longdon sponsored a bill that if any person presents the federally licensed firearms dealer with a concealed weapons permit, the federally licensed firearms dealer shall confirm the validity of the permit by checking the department of public safety's secure website portal. If the permit is invalid, the federally licensed firearms dealer must conduct a background check before selling or providing the person with a firearm.

HB2364 – Rep. Jennifer Longdon sponsored a bill that providers of pediatric services shall inform the parent or guardian of a child during an office visit for such services of gun safety measures that may be implemented in the home, including proper gun storage, and the risks to children who find a gun in the home.

HB2365 – Rep. Jennifer Longdon sponsored a bill that if a person is subject to a severe threat order of protection, the court shall order the person to turn over any firearms that are owned or possessed by the person to a law enforcement agency.

HB2366 – Rep. Jennifer Longdon sponsored a bill that if neither party to a prospective firearms sale or transfer is a licensed firearms dealer, the parties to the transaction shall complete the sale or transfer through a licensed firearms dealer and the dealer shall conduct a background check.

HB2367 – Rep. Jennifer Longdon sponsored a bill that keeps a firearm or ammunition, or both, in a securely locked box or equips the firearm with a device that renders the firearm inoperable without a key or combination, or face a $1,000 civil penalty.

HB2368 – Rep. Jennifer Longdon sponsored a bill that exempts the selling of safe firearm storage devices from sales tax.

HB2404 – Rep. Jennifer Longdon sponsored a bill that prohibits a person who has been convicted of domestic violence or a dangerous crime against children from possessing a firearm.

HB2752 – Rep. Jennifer Longdon sponsored a bill that if a person’s conviction results in the person being a prohibited possessor of a firearm the court shall require the person to surrender their concealed weapons permit. 

HCR2013 – Rep. Jennifer Longdon sponsored a concurrent resolution under the power of referendum an act which would require that a person may not sell or transfer a firearm unless the person is a licensed firearms dealer, the purchaser or transferee is a licensed firearms dealer or a licensed firearms dealer facilitates the transfer. Not applying to a law enforcement agency or a firearm transfer that is a bona fide gift between immediate family members.

The Bad

HB2447 – Rep. Quang Nguyen sponsored a bill that allows faculty members and registered students to carry or possess firearms on the property of public universities and community colleges, was retained and could be brought up at any time.

HB2448 – Rep. Quang Nguyen, who happens to be endorsed by the Arizona State Rifle & Pistol Association - the Arizona chapter of the NRA, sponsored a bill which mandates firearm safety training with NRA curriculum for public school students in grades 6 through 12, passed House and heads to Senate.

HB2414 – Rep. Jacqueline Parker sponsored a bill that removes the requirement that a person must possess an unloaded firearm on school grounds in order to not be considered misconduct involving weapons offense; passed out of Senate Judiciary and waits to be considered on the Senate floor. 

HB2316 – Rep. John Kavanagh sponsored a bill that expands which public areas and events in which misconduct involving weapons would not apply. The bill weakens the criminal offense of misconduct involving weapons by allowing a person who has a concealed weapon permit to be at a public place or event with a weapon; passed out of Senate Judiciary and waits to be considered on the Senate floor. 

HB2473 – Rep. Frank Carroll sponsored a bill that prohibits a public entity from entering into a contract of $100,000 or more with a company to acquire or dispose of services, supplies, information technology or construction unless the contract includes a written certification that the company does not, and will not, discriminate against a firearm entity or firearm trade association; passed out of Senate Appropriations and waits to be considered on the Senate floor. 

HB2166 – Rep. Steve Kaiser sponsored a bill to exempt guns from sales tax; passed out of Senate Appropriations and waits to be considered on the Senate floor. Just a sidenote that diapers are still subject to sales tax in Arizona.

While Republicans continue to destroy our democracy, we work to rebuild and strengthen it.


Release: ADLCC Announces New Board Chair Assistant House Leader Jennifer Longdon and welcomes Executive Director Elsa O’Callaghan


Week Nineteen: Fifty-Fifth Legislature — Second Regular Session