15-Week Abortion Ban Heads to the House Floor

A 15 week, Mississippi-style, ban on abortion PASSED on a party-line vote out of the House Judiciary Committee yesterday. It only needs to pass the full floor before it heads to Governor Ducey’s desk, where he will sign the bill into law just like Mississippi, Texas, and Tennessee. With uncertainty at SCOTUS with Roe, we CANNOT allow this bill to be signed into law.

We need to do everything we can to protect the right to choose in Arizona, and that means electing more Democrats to the Arizona State Legislature. Can you chip in $10 today to help us reach our goal of flipping the legislature?

The AZGOP, with radical right Sen. Nancy Barto leading the charge, is preparing now to chip away at Roe v. Wade, by introducing legislation that severely limits access to safe, legal, abortions here in Arizona. This is an all-out assault on reproductive freedoms in Arizona by GOP political leaders.

The only way to guarantee reproductive freedom is if we have Democrats in the majority. We’re working to do just that, but we need your help. Can you chip in to help us out-organize and WIN in our target districts?


Week Nine: Fifty-Fifth Legislature — Second Regular Session


“We’re All Trying Really Hard To Suppress The Vote”