Press Release: What to Know About Republicans in LDs 16, 17, 23

Spoiler alert: Scandal-ridden, far-right legislative incumbents in battleground districts seek party’s nominations

ARIZONA – As we approach Arizona’s July 30th Primary Election, we’re highlighting some of the most extreme positions of the Republican candidates in LD’s 16, 17, and 23


First up is LD 16, a district decided by less than 1 percent of votes in 2022, where five Republicans are vying for a chance to face Democratic incumbent Rep. Keith Seaman in the House and Stacey Seaman in the Senate this November. 

LD 16

Teresa Martinez, House

  • Defended the near-total 1864 abortion ban. 


Chris Lopez, House 


Robert Hudelson, House 


Gabby Mercer, House

  • Said, of Middle Eastern and Chinese people, “Those people, their only goal in life is to, to cause harm to the United States. So why do we want them here, either legally or illegally?”


T.J. Shope, Senate 

  • Co-sponsored four separate anti-abortion bills during his 12 years in the legislature.

  • Backtracked on his lifelong anti-abortion record to vote for the repeal of the 1864 abortion ban in an effort to save his political future. 


In LD 17, decided by 2.4 percent of votes last election, incumbent Sen. Justine Wadsack is in a rematch against former Senator Vince Leach. The Republican nominee will face Democratic Senate candidate John McLean in the General Election. In the House, Democrat Kevin Volk is facing Republican incumbents Rachel Jones and Cory McGarr.  Here’s what voters should know:


LD 17

Justine Wadsack, Senate


Vince Leach, Senate 


Cory McGarr, House 


Rachel Jones, House 

 Lastly, here is what to know about House Republican incumbent Michele Peña in LD 23


LD 23

Michele Peña, House 


Democrats are only two seats away in both the State House of Representatives and the State Senate from flipping control of the legislature for the first time in 60 years. Democrats are ready to combat Republican extremism and provide serious leadership for Arizonans. 


Release: Slate of Battleground Democratic Nominees Announced in Key Legislative Districts


Press Release: What to Know About Republicans in LDs 9, 13