PRESS RELEASE: State Senate Candidate Deborah Howard Outraises Four-Term Legislator Kevin Payne In Competitive LD27 Race.

District Won by Sec. Fontes, Signaling Democratic Trend

Phoenix, AZ –  Insurgent Democratic candidate Deborah Howard has outraised four-term Republican incumbent legislator Kevin Payne as Legislative District 27 continues to emerge as a battleground district. Howard raised 29k since announcing her candidacy in October 2023 compared to Payne's 23k total raise for the entire year. Payne has a troubling history of alleged corruption and ethics scandals with extreme positions against reproductive freedoms and the LGBTQ community.

“I am grateful for the overwhelming support from my community. The fact that we outraised an entrenched incumbent is a signal that the people in this district are ready for new leadership. Together, we can shift the focus to actual sensible legislation instead of wasting the time and money of taxpayers on divisive issues and partisan battles,” said State Senate Candidate Deborah Howard. “This district will be crucial in flipping the legislature and ensuring a fair and equitable future for all of us.” 




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