PRESS RELEASE: As Arizona Students Return to School, Democrats Fight to Restore Funding, Reduce Classroom Sizes

Arizona Republicans oppose Democratic proposals to increase funding, reduce class sizes

PHOENIX, Ariz. – As we ring in the start of the 2024-2025 school year, Arizonans are reminded of the bleak situation facing our public schools: schools are being funded at only two-thirds of the national average, administrators are navigating a teacher shortage crisis, and some classrooms are facing additional substantial cuts


Democrats at the state legislature have proposed solutions to these issues and to improve our public schools and the educational future of our students. This includes proposals to expand career and technical educational (CTE) courses to middle school students, limit class sizes, increase teacher pay, and increase public school funding. Solutions to the pressing and urgent challenges of our public schools were ignored as none of these bills were considered by the Republican majority. 


Instead of solving the real issues facing public school students, Republicans have focused their attention on banning books and pronouns and requiring students to complete firearm training. Every single Republican in the legislature voted for these measures in the 2023 or 2024 legislative sessions. 


Democrats in the legislature have also introduced bills to add minimal accountability and transparency to the ESA voucher program including bills to require fingerprinting of staff and report an estimated annual cost.  


“Our students deserve fully funded classrooms and highly qualified teachers, yet our current majority has failed to support the education of our students,” said Senator Christine Marsh (LD4). “This November, voters have a choice to change the course and elect Democratic leaders at the state legislature who will be champions for students and educators.” 


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