Governor Doug Ducey Proposes a Flat Tax with $1.5 Billion in Permanent Tax Cuts to the Wealthiest Arizonans while Undoing Prop 208

PHOENIX — The following statement can be attributed to Liz Luna, Executive Director of the ADLCC.

“A year after a global pandemic, as President Biden and congressional Democrats have fought to help working families and small businesses get back on their feet, Governor Ducey proposed a flat tax with $1.5 billion in permanent tax cuts to the wealthiest Arizonans, effectively undoing voter approved Prop 208. The flat tax also decimates rural and small-town budgets, cutting 25-percent of their revenue that can be used to deliver critical services to help Arizonans get back on their feet.

“A budget reveals a leader’s principles, and Governor Doug Ducey's plan is morally bankrupt. 

  • Governor Ducey could invest in our students, teachers, and school facilities by giving them the money we need to improve our rank of 48th in per-pupil spending for elementary and secondary public education, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

  • Governor Ducey could expand KidsCare, health care for the over 190,000 Arizona children that do not have health care insurance, via Center for Children and Families.

  • Governor Ducey could choose to restore funding for ASU, UA, and NAU after ten years of the deepest budget cuts to higher education in the country over the last decade. (

“Instead of fighting for working Arizonans and small businesses, Governor Doug Ducey is giving the wealthiest Arizonans a hand out that will hurt our state’s rural cities and towns, draining dollars from our already underfunded education system.”



Doug Ducey Misuses American Resucue Plan Act Dollars


Release: Joint Statement from the Chairs of the Arizona Democratic Party and the Arizona Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee