White Nationalist Sen. Wendy Rogers Censured By The Arizona State Senate

Just now on the Senate floor, Senator Wendy Rogers was CENSURED by a bipartisan supermajority in the Arizona senate over her bigoted statements this past weekend at the America First Political Action Committee.

We need your help to fight back against this hate-filled, GOP rhetoric. Can you chip in today? Any amount makes a major difference.

While taking questions from press on Friday, Governor Ducey said he is proud of what he has been able to accomplish by investing over $500,000 in campaign dollars to support Oath Keeper and white supremacist, Senator Wendy Rogers.

The next day Senator Rogers wasted no time telling a large crowd at a white nationalist conference about her harmful beliefs, like her respect for Confederate General Robert E. Lee, decertifying the 2020 election, and spreading racist and antisemitic hate.

“Senator Rogers has proven time and time again that she has no respect for her oath of office or for the people of Arizona. I only wish she was as passionate about working for the benefit of all Arizonans as she is about feeding into culture wars and pandering to white nationalists,” said Arizona Democratic Party Chair Raquel Terán. Read our full statement with the Arizona Democratic Party here.

By chipping in $10 today, you can help us elect pragmatic, common-sense Democrats to the Arizona House and Senate.

Officials like Senator Wendy Rogers are the biggest threat to our democracy in Arizona. Her lack of regard for the truth and hateful speech have no room in today’s politics, and she should be expelled from the state senate.


Week Eight: Fifty-Fifth Legislature — Second Regular Session


Week Seven: Fifty-Fifth Legislature — Second Regular Session