Arizona DLCC Statement Regarding the Lohr v. Bolick Lawsuit

PHOENIX — Today, the Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa issued its ruling in a lawsuit filed against Rep. Shawnna Bolick for listing a UPS Store address as her actual residential address on her candidate nomination and sworn affidavits. Despite Rep. Bolick ignoring the law, the Superior Court judge ruled against Plaintiff Judith Lohr and in favor of Rep. Bolick. 

Every candidate who runs for office in the state of Arizona is expected to comply with the law and be truthful on their candidate nomination and sworn affidavits. By failing to do so, Rep. Bolick has made it clear she believes that the rules do not apply to her. Transparency and integrity as an elected official are of the utmost importance, and no one – not even Bolick – is above the law. 

The Arizona DLCC Executive Director Charlie Fisher issued the following statement: 

“If someone runs for office they should follow the law – period. 

“It is clear Rep. Bolick believes she doesn't have to play by the same rules as everyone else and intentionally attempted to dupe voters by using a UPS Store address as her residential address on her candidate nomination form and sworn affidavit. Bolick’s lack of transparency only furthers the erosion of the public’s trust in government. 

“Arizonans want leaders that lead with integrity. Running for office should be a fair playing field for all, not the powerful few. The Arizona DLCC hopes that Ms. Lohr will move forward with an appeal to the Arizona Supreme Court.” 



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