Arizona Republicans Attack Latinos in an Election Year Ploy

PHOENIX — Arizona Republicans are attempting to fast-track another attack on Latinos as a desperate election-year tactic to mobilize their base this November. GOP leaders have introduced SCR1007 and HCR2036, mirror bills that if passed would ask voters this November whether to amend the state Constitution to prohibit the state and any county, municipality or political subdivision from declaring itself a sanctuary jurisdiction. This ballot referral is SB1070 all over again and is a waste of tax-payer money by re-litigating an issue that has already been decided by the United States Supreme Court. Further, the referral is broad in language and would affect all political subdivisions in Arizona, ie: school districts, healthcare districts, fire boards, etc. The Arizona DLCC and the Arizona Democratic Party released the following joint statement:

“As we approach the ten year anniversary of SB1070, we as a state are reminded of the deep scars left on our communities. Children and hard-working families lived in fear for years until the Supreme Court struck down several aspects of the law. Despite these attacks, Arizona’s Latino community has continued to thrive, growing in political power and as economic drivers in our State. There are now 23 Latinos holding office in the legislature and the economic power of Arizona Latinos is expected to surpass $57 billion in 2022.”

“Regardless of background, Arizonans need affordable healthcare that allows them to see a doctor without fear of being detained by police and fully funded schools without children being questioned about their immigration status. The GOP knows they are ill-equipped to address these concerns and are choosing to sow fear and division in our communities.”



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