Release: “A Fifth Arizona GOP Member Is Accused Of Misconduct”

 AZCapitalTimes: “Lobbyist: Ugenti-Rita sexually harassed her before Shooter expulsion”

PHOENIX — In breaking news from The Arizona Capitol Times, Sen. Michelle Ugenti Rita has been accused by a female lobbyist of sexual harassment. The Cap Times reports: “The woman describes a pattern of harassment by Ugenti-Rita and her now-husband, former adviser to the governor Brian Townsend, over the summer of 2016 that led the lobbyist to believe the political power couple was trying to recruit her for a threesome.”

This comes barely one month after GOP member, Rep. David Cook, was accused of having an affair with a lobbyist and one day after two ethics complaints were filed against Cook. 

“Republicans seem to treat the Legislature like a taxpayer-funded party house...from sexual harassment to DUI’s to affairs, or worse,” said Murphy Bannerman Arizona DLCC Communications Director.

Bannerman further stated, “There is nearly no accountability by GOP leadership, this latest report of misconduct shows the importance of having a code of conduct at the legislature.” 

Ugenti-Rita is the fifth Republican to be accused of misconduct in the last two years.

Previous members

Expelled Rep. Don Shooter (R)

Resigned Rep. David Stringer (R),  

Rep. Anthony Kern (R)

Rep. David Cook (R)

And now Sen. Ugenti-Rita (R)



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