“Arizona Republicans Launch Another Attack On The LGBTQ Community ”

PHOENIX — LD 15 State Rep. Nancy Barto (R) has introduced a bill that would require schools to divide sports teams by biological sex. HB2706 would require students to undergo an invasive examination of their internal and external reproductive anatomy, internally produced levels of testosterone, and genetic makeup if their gender is disputed.

“Barto’s legislation is another blatant attack by Republicans against the Arizona LGBTQ community. Just this session we have seen Anti-LGBTQ rhetoric and legislation from Sen. Sylvia AllenRep. Walt Blackman, and Rep. John Fillmore. Rather than fully fund our public schools and prepare our students for a 21-century education, Republicans would rather push an extreme Anti-LGBTQ agenda,” said Murphy Bannerman, ADLCC Communications Director

Barto is also running for the state Senate in LD 15 against Sen. Heather Carter (R).


The Phoenix New Times: “Sex Ed Debate Brings Anti-LGBTQ Voices to the Arizona Capitol”
Date: January 15, 2020 

Key Points:
"her bill (SB 1082) that could have effectively removed "homosexuality" from sex ed lessons.”

“Minutes later, Sharon Slater, the president of the anti-LGBTQ Family Watch International, spoke at the same podium. Slater, who repeatedly has invoked the myth of a "homosexual agenda" and has cast gay sex as "inherently destructive" behavior, defended Allen's bill.”

The Arizona Mirror: “Fillmore bills target Arizona transgender community”
Date: January 7, 2020
By: Jerod MacDonald-Evoy
Key Points:
House Bill 2082 would create a new law that would require a school superintendent, principal, teacher or any other school employee to use the sex or gender pronoun that corresponds to the sex listed on that student’s birth certificate.” 
House Bill 2081 adds language into state law on how birth certificates are issued. The law currently does not mandate a birth certificate to say if a child is male or female at birth, but Fillmore’s bill would mandate that a birth certificate include that information." 

House Bill 2080 would require that any document issued by any agency, board, commission or department of the state may only indicate an individual’s sex as either male or female. Currently, there is no mandate for the state to say otherwise."

ADLCC: Walt Blackman testifies in the Senate Education Committee
Date: January 14, 2020


“The ADLCC Is Ready To #FlipEverthing In 2020”


“Another report of GOP misconduct at the Arizona Legislature”