Release: “State Rep. Jay Lawrence claims Black and Latinx communities are a threat to police and the public”

AZCentral“'They have firearms galore.' Lawmaker's comments about communities of color draw gasps

PHOENIX — The Arizona Republic has reported the egregious remarks made by Republican State Rep. Jay Lawrence at a town hall last week. At the forum, Lawrence stated “Black and brown communities, black communities, in particular, have gangs. And the gangs have to be stopped” and "They are better armed than the police officers who are supposed to be controlling them. They have firearms galore."

Murphy Bannerman, ADLCC Communications Director, responded: “From Stringer to Allen, to Jay Lawrence, it’s clear the Arizona Republican Party is deeply prejudice of communities of color and completely incapable of representing all of Arizona. It’s long past time for Republicans to speak out against the dangerous rhetoric of hate being spread within the party. We at the ADLCC will continue our work to elect Dems that represent all of our communities.” 



“Threats To Roe V. Wade Could Have Dire Consequences For Arizona Women”


Release: Legislative Republicans Attempt to Use the Department of Education as a Scapegoat