Release: ADLCC thanks #REDforED, Exposes the Failed Leadership of GOP Legislature

PHOENIX — The ADLCC issued the following statement after last night's passage of the Arizona budget for FY 2019.

Democrats have stood with children and teachers across the state, during this critical time in education funding. For weeks, democratic legislative caucus members and candidates have joined arm in arm with teachers and parents across the state to urge the legislature to enact long-term sustainable funding that puts Arizona’s public schools on par with the national average for per-pupil funding. For nearly a decade, children in Arizona have been underserved - going to class in crumbling facilities, without full-time teachers and using decades-old textbooks.

"You can't set the house on fire, call 911 and pretend to be a hero." - Rep. Bolding, LD 27

The Republican-run legislature has created an education crisis in Arizona and has only responded after weeks of mounting pressure from the public. Arizona children should be a priority for the legislature every year, not just campaign years. The ADLCC knows that our democratic candidates work every day for children in Arizona, and we will work to ensure voters #RememberinNovember the years of tax breaks for corporations and the shell games Republicans have played with public education funding.

The Arizona Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee works year-round to support Democratic candidates and Democratic caucus members by providing baseline services to all candidates to win Democratic majorities in the Arizona State House and State Senate. The ADLCC works every election cycle to recruit qualified candidates to run in each legislative district in Arizona. Currently, Democrats are three seats short in the Senate and six seats short in the House from a majority.



Deadline for Candidates is Approaching, Sign to Get Them on the Ballot!


Release: Arizona Democrats Condemn Rep. Syms’ Racial Slurs, Stand Behind Rep. Bolding and Rep. Peten