As Arizona Jobless Rate Climbs, Study Finds Educated Workers Would Boost Economy

The Arizona Republic reports that Arizona's unemployment rate increased for the third straight monthTo make matters worse, "Arizona ranks 48th in the nation for the largest share of people who are unemployed, underemployed or too discouraged to look for work," according to The Arizona Republic.

A recent study found that setting higher education goals would boost the economy, as reported by CBS5. Unfortunately, the only goal Gov. Ducey and Republican leadership in the legislature have achieved is cutting $99 million in higher education funding from their budget.

House Democratic Leader Rep. Dr. Eric Meyer continues to ask that the current budget surplus be used to improve the economy, “and that is essentially universities and schools.

#AskDuceyWhy he and Republican leadership in the legislature refuse to invest surplus funds in Arizona's struggling economy.


Innovative Education Plan from AZ Democratic Leaders Would Not Raise Taxes or Raid Land Trust


Superintendent Calls for Special Session, Wants Surplus Used for Education